„Golf & Ride Cup“ at the VJR–Tournament at Karlsruhe-Durlach
The Reiterverein Durlach implements a „Golf & Ride“ Team-Competition in the occasion of the June 10th .-13nd tournament in Durlach. Organization and supervision of the golf competition is taken on by Mrs. Eva Aldinger.
One team member has to complete a 2 x 9 hole Golf course, the other team member jump a competition arena with 9 obstacles. The team with the highest overall score will win.
Admitted to the first part, the golf competition, are participants, which are part of the Veteran-Jumping riders family in the broadest sense: Member, family members, friends, guests and sponsors of the show. There is no age-limit for the participants of the golf-tournament.
Prerequisite is a handicap of at least 36. On the day of the tournament the handicap has to be verified.
Admitted to the second part, the jumping competition, are riders who hold the veteran status according to the FEI Statutes and are participating at the tournament.
A person can participate in two different teams both as rider and golfer, if the person meets the conditions.
The golf competition will be judged after Stableford, meaning:
- who plays his handicap, has 36 net point and therefore takes 0 points into the intermediate result .
- who overplays his handicap, takes plus points –the difference between handicap of 36 and the played net points – into the intermediate result.
- who doesn’t reach his handicap, takes minus points - the difference between handicap of 36 and the played net points – into the intermediate result.
The jumping competition no. 26 will be judged according to points & time.
It consists of 9 obstacles , points regarding to difficulty. Overall points: 36
Starting in the reverse order of the results of the intermediate result.
The final result is calculated by addition of the golf points and the jumping points. In case of equality of points the time of the rider will determine the winning team.
For the riders: Included in the CSI flat rate.
For the golfers: Greenfee to be paid at the beginning of the golf tournament.
Afternoon : Performance of the golf tournament on the goulf ground of the Golf Club GC Bad Herrenalb-Bernbach in Albtal. About 20 minutes form the SAS Radisson Hotel in Ettlingen, and 30 minutes from the showground in Karlsruhe-Durlach.
Saturday, June 12th 2004:
Performance of the jumping competition on the showground in Karlsruhe-Durlach.
Evening : Award ceremonie, awards show.
Riders, who want to participate at this tournament just have to include competition no: 26 on their entry-form.
Golfers, who want to participate at this team competition must register by May 25th 2004.
Please use the enclosed Fax-Registration-Form.
Surname ............................................................................
Address ............................................................................
Handicap ...........................................................................
Member of golf club ...........................................................................
Relation to the VJR:
member of the VJR
family member
Fax / Send no later than May 25th 2004.
Helmut Schwander
Goethestr.46 ,
D-76356 Weingarten
Tel. ++49 7244-1577
Fax ++49 7244722475